Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Completed Art- Pigeon Reminds- Love

I have a thing for animals.

All kinds of them. They often show up in my work. What I think of most is their meanings. Traditional meanings. My own meanings. What others may come up with.

I've been wanting to do a series of paintings just expressing those meanings. I started it a long while ago when I was with my husband and I did one for us.

The finished recent piece is thus-

"Pigeon Reminds us- Love"
Colored Pencil and Marker on Cotton. 11 x 14 inches.

I really do love this piece. It brought together materials that I am enjoying immensely and images that I enjoy. When I searched through all the meanings of pigeons, most knew of the Dove and its association with peace. A few though, spoke of love. Think of it as a carrier pigeon- it returns home. They have loving 'coo coo' sounds. They are abundant. There is no lack of love.

Next time you see one, mayhaps you will think of love, wherever or however you are.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Musical Wednesday- Nick Warren

I loooove my Sirius satellite radio. I can find something to fill my soul with every week.

I particularly enjoyed this piece this week. Its something to soothe my nerves and goes with the wind that flows through my car during the summer.

Substructure (Nick Warren)- "Firewire"


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Completed Art- Inspiration

This is a drawing I absolutely love. For many, you may not see the differences between this work and previous work. Perhaps it is obvious to some, none or all.

Its been a long time since a drawing has been this close to my heart and soul. Its opened me back up in a way I have not felt since I worked on "How I Breathe" back in 2003.


Its not perfection incarnate for me technically, which is something I really love to do, but found myself okay with it with this piece.

It feels exactly how I feel though.

I want to write more about it but I am still grasping better how to put this type of thing into words.

I'll get there. Much like anything else. :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Concept of Celebration

There was a friend I had.

We started out as friends in seventh grade. We were both artists and a little different from the usual crowd. We found connection through our art and being rather social pariahs.

Years passed and we changed. I moved. A lot. She stayed home. I struggled through college, 3-4 jobs at a time, marriage, more moves and lack of time to focus on the things I was passionate about.

She struggled to help out home and work on her art.

I envied her. So much. I wanted that kind of time. I wanted to have so much security to be provided for me that all I really needed to do was focus on my love- art.

More years have tempered those feelings. We are no longer what I'd call friends. Not by my choice, but hers.

I still get to see her art. She can still see mine. In some ways, she is ahead of me. In others, I am ahead of her.

What I've discovered is thus- celebrate.

Look at the people around you not as your competition, but as your family. In the LDS church, there is the concept that we are all God's children, ere go, we are all spiritual brothers and sisters.

I know when people in my family succeed, I celebrate with them. I celebrated my brother and his sobriety. My sister and her going to college for the first time. The jobs they acquire. The families they have. I congratulated and helped where I could. There were no feelings of envy, even if sometimes they were doing things I really wished I was. It was celebrating that they got to do it. Through the connection we had as family, their victory was mine as well.

We are all connected. No matter how tenuous we may feel it is, its there.

I say celebrate what others are doing! Let it drive us to do better in our own lives if we need to improve and if it is something we've conquered, remember the time we had when were at that place in our lives.

So, I celebrate this artist. He does work in a size I want to get to. I love that he is able to do what wants, I hope you enjoy looking at his work and that he may always be supported in it.


Thank you Iroel, for sharing your soul.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Duck Races

Saturday I face painted at the "Duck Races" on the greenbelt in downtown Idaho Falls.

I did not manage to get a single picture I wanted to. :(

After the 9 hours I was down there, I was booked for a company party for another 2 hours.

Made for a long day.

It seemed to rather energize and wear me out at the same time. I am amazed at how it feels. Stayed up late to work on a drawing. I'm hopeful to get it done this week. I think there is a good chance of it! :D

I also came up with a nifty art show idea. We'll see if anything ever comes of it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A County Affair

This week I was supposed to be face painting at the North Bannock County Fair. That didn't work out. The person in charge didn't figure out where to put me till yesterday. Perhaps next year.

Last week though, I spent a wonderful time at the South Bannock County Fair. Made new friends, had a fun time and just thoroughly enjoyed the truly community event it was. It was to me, a classic farm country county fair.

I loved it.

The people seemed to enjoy having me as well! Here are a few snapshots of things I did while there.

Heart Mask!

What is it with me and those horn things in my masks? XD

No County Fair is complete without girls with mustaches.

This was a kid I got to paint quite a bit since he was part of the family of my neighbors. He was AWESOME!

All in all, a good time. I brought a piece of art to work on, but forgot the reference photo so there was a bunch of frustrated down time. I'm working on it now though! I had plenty of time to think though and got an idea for a show I'm heading up and some other pieces I want to do.

Just all in all, a great time. <3

Now to go eat before my stomach chews through my epidermis and to clean the house a bit to prepare for a mexican feast tonight. nom nom nom