Sunday, July 17, 2011

An Empty Cup

Today, I have felt empty.

This week has been an awesome one. I got many, many, many things done. House cleaned, friends visited, artwork done. I even worked on a piece of work for probably 8 hours. Just a really good week.

I face painted at the Blackfoot Pride Days this weekend. Friday was actually a very relaxing day. We made a little bit of money and I got to watch this Azteca Danza group. First time I had seen anything like it. It blew my mind. The visuals were right up my alley. Gorgeous, sumptuous costumes in bright colors and amazing head dresses with feathers. I loooved it. Been looking up pictures and info on the concept today.

Saturday, was long and arduous. I didn't feel good part of it. Probably was a bit dehydrated. I have bought a little cooler that should help with that for next weekend.

By the end of it, I was just done with people. I did not do well in handling the public for a bit and felt so bad for doing so. Just many little irritations. It was a great day though- I just didn't handle it like I feel like I usually do.

I've been fighting this feeling of "go away world" since I woke up. I just want to be alone for a bit. The saddest part is, I feel these great ideas clamoring to get out on paper and instead of I'm trying to find that quiet part to fill my soul back up and I do that by doing meaningless things like play games on Facebook or read comics.

Luckily, my husband does now bow to anything unless he wants to.

So, he turned on some Mormon Tabernacle Choir music. If you have never heard this choir- you should. Their musicality is wonderful. Arrangements- stirring. This one helped to fill me: "The Lord's Prayer" with Andrea Bocelli-

I didn't get to listen to the whole thing, but it helped to fill me a bit. I don't know what it is when I get this way. I am grateful for all around me and miss those that aren't. I hope to get back to feeling more hopeful soon. :)

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