Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feeding My Soul

I had a fellow artist ask me today, "Why do you do art?"

I always thought is was just "because". Because I can. Because it feels good. Because I have the talent. Because they said to. Because my Mom would get mad if I didn't.

I found through closer inspection today, its because it feeds my soul in a way nothing else can.

The world sucks. I love the phrase "we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience". We're supposed to come down and experience all these "slings and arrows". How else are we to learn? Doing artwork is the closest I get to having that feeling I get when I am in the temple.

Everything matters, but its all okay. Everything will be okay. "Endure. Endure and save yourself for happiness".

I share my works in the hopes that others will be fed as well.

A man was shown two visions. The first one, he saw emaciated people with giant spoons that were longer than them. A humongous pot of delicious stew was in the middle of the room and everyone around it was starving. The could get the spoon in the pot, but could not get the spoon full of food to their mouths. It splashed to the floor, falling into the cracks to be wasted.

The vision changed. Same room. Same pot of stew. Same giant spoons. Only people were full, they were laugh, dancing, and enjoying life.

As he watched, he saw that the people had learned to feed each other. They could easily reach the pot and the other person's mouth.

May I be able to feed you and in turn, feed myself.


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