Monday, February 28, 2011

A New Understanding.

I think I finally understand something.

Let me preface this by saying if you know my work, you know I love LOVE LOVE to draw people. I love the details, contours, expressions et cetera in the cornucopia that is the human race.

I never quite understood why so many people take away the defining characteristics to that particular face. Eyes start to became the same basic ones as before, noses, etc. I thought that it was just something that I didn't understand.

I think I do finally understand today.

I'm struggling with finding a reference photo today. More and more, galleries, competitions, art shows want the artist to have copyright to the photo they referenced (especially when copying). Its not always being so acceptable to just take a great photo and make a great drawing because, oh wait, the photo you chose was great. You didn't do the lighting or anything else, you just have the technical skill to reproduce it faithfully.

I work from a lot of reference photos. I tend to change things a lot within the pictures by adding elements and other things such as lighting and colors.

I get why though many artists don't do it- the pain of finding the photo. Necessity becomes the mother of invention and you create what you want.

I may end up doing that today. We'll see.

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